Wednesday, October 29, 2008
bEeN shOpPiN foR mY wiNteR wEaR pAst wEekeNd n pUbLic hOLidAy ~DeePaVaLi~
iTeMs bOuGht
- LeAtheR gLovEs
- LoNg jOhN ~2 tOps, 1 bOttOm
- theRmAL pAck
- sOckS
- vAcUm bAg
- 2 sWeAteRs ~piNk & wHiTe
tOtAL dAmAge : $185/-
iTeMs LeFt
- sCaRf..shAwL
- bOotS
- spOrt shOeS
- 1 mOre eSpiRt sWeAteR ~nOt bUyiN jAckEt..bOrrOweD 3~
- LeggiN
- hAt?
- LuggAGe bAg?
seNsE oF eMptyNeSs..
tHoUgh i'M rAtHeR bZ rEceNtLy ~shOppiN,pLaNniN,dRiViN,wAtcHiN斗牛要不要~ stiLL nOt eNouGh tiMe..bUt fEeL tAt i hAvE nO diReCtiOn iN LiFe..mY pLaNs seEms tO eNd iN dEc..cOz by dEc e tRiP wiLL b oveR, tAkeN tP, stArted nEw jOb..dEN?wAts nEw?mUz pRay hArD foR mOre thiNgs tO kEeP mE gOiNg......
Saturday, October 25, 2008
gUys R aLL e sAme??thEy cAn be iN LoVe wiF a gAL bUt theiR hEaRt stiLL tiNks oF sOmeoNe eLse..iT iS e sAme whEn yOu r hOLdiN a gAL's hAnd aNd LoOkiN aT sOme otHeR gALz..i hAte sUch gUys..cAn yOu pLz spAre a thOt fOr uR gAL? dO yOu knOw whAt iS kArmA? wAt goeS aRd cOmes aRd..wAt iF thE gAL tAt yOu LiKes dOes tAt tO yOu oNe dAy..yOu sHLdNt hAvE sEttLe DowN iF yOu hAf nOt LeT gO..i wiLL nOt chOoSe yOu..aS oNe dAy yOu miGht dO e sAme tO mE..i wOnt gAmbLe oN sUch gUys...pLz dO sOme sOuL-seArcHiN...
cAme acrOss tiS iN fRieNdsteR... hOw trUe iS tiS?
1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what? ..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
8) Guys love you more yhan you love them.
9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something
12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that
13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me
14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are mad confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
19)Not all guys are rude. Just because one is rude doesnt mean he represents all of them
20)When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to talk to you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
Friday, October 24, 2008
whAt aNgeL rEpReSeNts yOu? Your the light/innocent angel! Your favorite thing to do is watch over people to make sure they are safe. You love little kids' because they are so pure to you. Your also a very pure person, you always believe in what is right and you always listen to people. You have a great amount of friends because of your kindness and innocence.Color: White
Flower: Dafidills
Sweets: Cookies
Number: 3
Animal: Dove
Element: Light
aRGh..veRi fUstrAteD tOdAe..cAn yOu aLL pLz gO aWay!!~! i dUN wAnNa eNteRtAiN yOu..y u aLL jUz cAnt gEt e hiNt..jUz LeAvE mE aLoNe.. i'M tUrNiN frOm aN aNGeL iNtO a DeViL sOoN..dUN fOrce mE...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
cAnceR gALz..
~prOteCtiVe, mOtheRiNg fOrCe oF e zOdiAc ~ sOotHes & cOnsOLes, uNdeRstAnDs & nUrtuRes ~ sEnsiTiVe sOuL whOse pROteCtiVe nAtUre eXteNds tO hEr oWn cArefuLLy gUaRdeD fEeLinGs ~ nEeDs tO fEeL stRoNg~ aNy aSsaULt oN heR peRsoNaL stReNgtH, chAraCteR oR iNtegRity iS cOnsiDeRed a seRiOus tHrEat ~ sHe mAy hiDe, oR tUrn N fiGht witH bitteR wOrdS ~ veRy dEep iNtuitiOn iNtO thE fEeLiNgs & mOtiVes oF otHeRs ~ iMaGiNatiVe, cReAtiVe, fLOwiNg & mAteRnAL peRsOn ~ cAn bE doWncAst aNd cRabby oR a siLLy LUnAtiC ~ cAn aLwAys bE cOuNteD oN tO LoVe uNcOnDitiOnaLLy aNd tO cAre fOr hEr LoVed oNes witH aLL heR heArt ~
i mAy nOt mEaN wAt i sAy..cOz i'M nOt gD aT hUrtiN PpL.. sOmetiMes i'LL sAy oNe thiNg wHeN i mEaNs sOmetHiNg eLsE becOz i wAn tO spAre uR fEeLiNgs oR mY eMbArSsMeNt..bUt iF prObe fUrtheR & i'M cOmfOrtAbLe wiF yOu, i'LL dEfiNiteLy teLL yOu e tRutH..
i'M pArtiCuLaR abOut hOw i dReSs..pAyin aTTeNtiON tO fiNe dEtaiLs liKe aCCeSsOriEs..eaRiNg, neCkLaCes, bRaCeLet etC..LikEs tO b uNiqUe..cOnstAntLy hEaRiN pRaiSes frOm pEeRs mAkeS mE hApPy..
LikE gUys whO R wittY anD a LittLe nAuGhty..gUys witH x-fActoR wiLL b a pLus pOiNt..iF yOu R LoOkiN fOr FLiNg oR pArt-tiMe LoVeR..pLz 4gEt abOut mE..oNLi sEaRchiN fOr tRue LoVe aNd thE oNe whO wOrtH cAnceR's uNcOnditiOnaL LoVe..LikEs GeNtLemAn whO LeT mE waLk fiRst, oPeN e dOoRs fOr mE..iT wiLL b pErfeCt iF e gUy dOesNt sMoKe.. hAte gUys whO sPeAk FouL LaNgUaGe..
iF yOu R e oNe..i'LL nOt gO aWay..bUt iF yOu R nOt, i'LL kEeP a diStAnCe fRom yOu..pLz dUn cOme aNy neAreR..iT cAn b veRi aNnOyiN..aNd iF i dUnNo hOw tO rEjEct yOu..i'LL hiDe iN my cRab sHeLL aNd i miGht nOt cOme oUt aGaiN uNtiL yOu gOt mY hiNt..iF yOu stiLL wAnNa reMaiN aS fRieNz..dUn eVeR crOss e bOuNdaRy oF fRieNdsHip..iT'LL bAckfiRe..
WheN gEttiN tO knOw eacH OtheR..muZ mAke mE fEeL hApPy & cOmfOrtabLe..neVa gLaNce at otheR pRetty gALz..LikeS sUpRAisEs & sMaLL giFts & sWeEt tALks..bE aS peRfeCt aS yOu cAn..shOwiN eFFoRt iN pLaNniN e dAy wiLL b a pLUs pOint tOo..dUn 4gEt tO b pUnctUaL..iN eArLi peRiOd oF dAtiN..duN diSpLay tOo mUch aFFeCtiOn iN pUbLic..
WheN iN LoVe, i'M nOt a veRy pOssEssiVe oR jEaLoUs peRsOn, bUt tRust & reSpeCt mUz b eStAbLisHeD..tRust iS hArD tO gAiN bUt eAsiLy LoSt..LiKe gUy whO R fRaNk wiF hiS fEeLiN sO tAt i cAn oPeN my heArt tO hiM..hOpefULLy hE cAn b mY sOuL mAte tOo..e reSt hAs tO dEpeNds oN iNdiVidUaL..
mEt hiM jUz nOw..hE pAsS mE e jAckEt frOm hiS siS..dUnNo y hE's stiLL sO niCe tO puRpOseLy tRaveL aLL e wAy heRe tO pAsS mE e jAckEt..diLeMmA ~ shLd i uSe tiS jAckEt?~
Monday, October 20, 2008
wAs rEaDiN cLeO thiS feW dAys aNd fOund tiS aRticLe iNteReStiN..
mAkiN hiM sAy e "C" wOrd
avOid teARs & nAgGiN at aLL cOst
"Men often feel that we're using our feelings as a manipulation tool; that we'll behave differently or even cry to get our way." ~diSaGrEe..iS nOt mE~
"if you wan your man to take you seriously, dont demostrate your feelings, describe them. Instead of crying, say, "it makes me feel like crying." That way, you are approaching the situation as an equal and not as a scheming or needy girlfriend." ~aGReE, bUt i'M nOt gD at iT~
rEthiNk yOuR iMaGe
"An image overhaul will get him thinking. It'll jolt him slightly out of his comfort zone - he might not know exactly what's happened but he'll know something's changed." ~aGrEe..shLdNt LeT e gUy thiNks tAt hE's iN cOntROL~
"A lot of women make less of an effort when in a relationship." ~tOtaLLy asO dePeNds iF e gUy mAkes aN eFFoRt tO pReseNt hiMseLF tOo~
dOnt LatCh oN tO hiM
"A man who feels caged in isn't going to sign up for greater commitment but somebody who knows they are free to see their friends, go to movie and so on, is much more likely to." ~wOmAN asO FeeLs e sAmE..thEy sHLd giF eAcH otheR 私人空间~
hiDe yOur jEaLOusy
"When you are jealous, you are also being needy. Make him aware of your jealousy -in the right way- can work to your advantage." ~dEpeNds~
LoVe hiM fOr whO hE rEaLLi iS
"Falling in love is the easy part - it's the 'unconditional' part that can become tricky." ~tRUe~
"Real love means accepting all of him, knowing there are things you don't like or disagree with, but you art still ok. This will show him you're in it for the long haul." ~tAts y PpL sAy..chOoSe wiF bOth eYes wiDe OpeN aNd LoVe witH oNe eYe OpeN~
bOnd wiF hiS fAmiLy
"No guy wants to feel as though he has to make a choice, so a genuine connection will mean the world to him - and show him he can have it all." ~dEpeNds oN iNdiVidUaL-bUt bOnDiN iS iMpt~
"Having his family tell him how wonderful you are, and that he shouldn't have to let you go, serves as quite a strong reinforcement" ~tRUe fOr mAmA bOy~
Sunday, October 19, 2008
jAp tRiP..
pLanneD fOr e tRip oN fRi..i'M gOin mt Fuji..hAhA..finAliZed tOkyO itiNeRaRy.. hAd a gALz tALk aFteR tAt tiLL LatE aT NitE..
eDwiN & chEwLiNg's weDDiN.. 
weNt to mY fiRst sEcOndAry sChoOL fRieN weDDiN yeSt..thEy hAve fiNaLLy mOveD oN tO nXt phAsE oF theiR LiFe tOg aFteR 10 yEaRs oF cOurtsHip!!~! hAppiE 4 theM.. =) cOngrAtz chEw & eDwiN!!
i'M cUrReNtLy iN LoVe wiF my mAnicURe & pEdicURe..haha dOne b4 chEw's weDDiN..dUnNo whEN cAN i FiNisH my pAckAge..tOo iMpuLse siGniN..theRe R eVeN chEaPeR maNi & pEdi aRd..hAiz..
LoOk aT thOse bRaNdeD bAgs.. tAkeN iN my cUstOmeR rM.. riCh PpL aRe jUz sOoOo riCh..e cOLLectiOn oF bAgs thEy hAf R jUz uNiMaGiNabLe.. iF oNLi oNe dAy mY rOoM cOuLd aLsO hAf sUch dispLay.. LoLx
sAw hiS fAcebOok..hiS tiNkiN oF S..aNotheR gAL haF aPpeAreD iN hiS LifE.. nOt jeALoUs aNimOre.. tiNk i hAf mOved oN.. my iMaGe oF hiM hAs chAnGeD.. nO LoNgeR a swEet gUy.. nO mOre mR NiCe.. mOre LiKe pReteNdANce.. LeOpArd nEveR chAnGe hiS spOts.. bUt aPpReciAte tAt hE's trUe tO mE fOr the pAst yeAr.. bEeN pUttiN mY fOto aS hiS mSN piC.. aNiwAe tiS chApteR oF my LiFe hAve cLOsed.. awAitiN foR e nXt chApteR tO opeN..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
hAhA..tAkeN dUriN iNsPeCtiOn..LoOks LiKe i'M haViN fUn..iN a hOt sUnNy aFteRnOoN..LoLx =)mY dAd spOnsORiN pArt oF my jAp tRip..yEaH!~! cAn bUy mOre thiNgs..thAnx dAddy..i LoVe yOu!~!tiReD..cOnt tML..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
hAhA..wEnt shOppiN tOdAe iN e miDst oF my iNspeCtiOn..LoOkiN at wiNteR jAcket..i LoVe e eSpRit jAcket..iS $229..shLd i bUy.. gOt xS.. niCe?!? pLus is whiTe cOLoUr!!!
asO Like e mAnGo jAckEt..gOt piNk & whiTe..$75..mAteriaL veRi gD..gOt xS toO..LoLx..c gOt chAncE i gO tAke fOtO.. shLd i bUy?!?dEciSiOn...i'M iN e mOoD 4 shOpPiN nOw..iS rEtAiL thErApy bA.. aFteR a dAy oF iNspEctiOn.. eNdeD uP adDiN mOre thiNgs 2 my shOpPiN LisT..
a piC oF e diOr eAriN tAt i wAnNa gEt tOg wiF e bRaCeLet aS a sEt..mEaNwhiLe aSo LoOkiN fOr eAriN wiF riBboN & peArL LiKe e bOttOm pArt oF e eAriN..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
diDnt bLoG foR a fEw dAys..wAs veRi tiRed..bUt dUnNo bZ wiF wAt..LoLx =)eRm..wAtCh pAiNted skiN oN sAt..nOt bAd LAh..hORroR LoVe stOry..zhAo wEi iS veRi pRetty iN e shOw..=) iNitiALLy dUn dARe 2 wAtch..bUt G wAtch eAGLe eYe b4..hUmPzz...
wEnt shOpPiN oN sUn..bUt diDnt bUy aNithiN mUch..LoLx.. oNLi a cAsUaL bAg fOr wEekeNd N naiL pOLisH 2 pLay..
wAs LoOkiN fOr wiNteR cLOthEs bUt stiLL oNLi zARa seLLiN..LoStA thiNgs 2 bUy fOr jApAn.. - wiNteR jAckEt ~ zARa, pULL n beAR?
- scArF ~ wHitE wOoLeN oNe (LiKe thOse iN zARa), bUrbeRry sHaWL?
- LeGgiN ~ 1 bLAck ~ bUt y eVeRywheRe oOs..=(
- jAckEt ~ wAt cOLouR? piNk oNe @ zARa? wHiTE?(bUt cAnt mAtCh mOi sCArF..)
- bOots ~brOwN?
- LuGgaGe bAG?
sAw e cRystaL shOp hE's LoOkiN fOr @ fAr eAst..mSGed hiM..sHLd i dO a cRysTaL fOr hiM?i fEeL LiKe LeaRniN hOw 2 mAke e aNGeL..thEy R LOveLy =) cAn asO jOiN uP witH hiS cRysTaL N hAnG iN hiS cAr..LoLx bUt seRiOusLy i asO wAnnA LeaRn..dEN cAn DiY aCceSsOriEs..veRi niCe giFt aSo..hx dUN miNd LeaRniN wiF mE..rEaLLi a gD fRieN iNdEeD =)
aNiwAe..msGed hiM tOdaE tO heLp mE tAke cOmpArabLes..hE aGree..=)
fOr mY LeaVe..P & J spOke 2 mE..thEy sAy mY LeAvEs sUre fOrfeit oNe..iF i wAnNa gO MOM n stUff..sUre Lost oNe..N hE miGht eveN cAnceL mY LicENce..hAiz..sO siAnzz..wAt tO dO?LuCky i'LL b gEttiN mY pAy oN e 9th in dEc..hOpe tAt hE cAn摸摸hiS良心..n giF mE wAt i dEseRve..uPdAteD hiM..hE aSk mE tO LeAve tiS pLaCe aSap..LoLx
hE cALLed mE n sAy tAt hE hAf cOlleCted e wiNteR jAckEt frOm hiS sis n wiLL pAss 2 mE nxt wEek..Let's c iF theRe'S aNy pOstphOnemEnt.. *crOssiN-fiNgeR*
Thursday, October 9, 2008
bAd LeAve miGht nOt b aPprOved..tiS cOmpaNy is sO !#$%^..siAnz..iF i tAke 9 dAys nO pAy LeAve = aLmOst $900..nO wAy mAn!~! J & P cAnt sEems 2 heLp mE..mSn hiM tO aSk fOr sUggeStiOn.. hE seNd mE e MoM LiNk aNd asK mE 2 shOw J & P.. i'M meReLy oFFsEtiN mY aNNuAL LeAve N iT hAs bEeN aPprOveD.. deN hE eVeN cALL P tO f** hiM.. teLLiN hiM tAt hE wiLL cOme peRsOnaLLy tO tOk tO tcg..hE stiLL caRe 4 mE..=) tAts wAt i LiKe aBt hiM..aLwAys sO fiRm..hE eVeN mSn mE tO keEp hiM uPdAte oF e pRogReSs..aT LeAst aFteR tAt P aSk J tO dOubLe chEck wiF tcg aGaiN.. tiNk tiS wiLL dRag fOr sOmetiMes.. nOe P & J wiLL b iN a diFFicULt pOsitiOn.. bUt i caNt becOz oF tAt aNd pUt mYseLf iN diSaDvaNtaGe riTe..sRy gUys!~! hE wAs sO cOnceRn tAt hE sMs mE at niTe aNd aSk iF theRe's aNy prOgreSs.. deAR..iF u cARe deN y LeAve mE..... aSo cOntActeD K yeSt..becOz oF my dAd's cOmp..waNteD tO chEck iF hE cAn heLp..hE sOuNds okAy.. bUt aSo veRi kpO.. mY effOrt foR nOt cOntActiN hiM aLL wEnt dOwN e dRaiN.. hE hAs bEeN mSniN e whOLe dAy.. hE knOw tAt i'M siNgLe, hE aSk aBt hOw i nOe mY ex.. hE did c mY fRieNdsteR fOr uPdAtes..tOLd hiM aBt my chaNge oF jOb sOoN.. hE teLL mE aBt hiS aCadeMic, hiS spRee..wOnDeR iF wE stiLL cAn b fRieNz aGaiN..nOt sUpeRfiCiaL oNes..mEt hx fOr diNneR aT niTe @ MOF.. T aSo jOiNed uS..hAfiN a gD tiMe cAtcHiN uP..WD mEt up wiF T n toLd hiM tAt he sAw mE..LoLx..wOndeR whEn wiLL oUR gRp mEet uP aGaiN..eVeryoNe iS sO bz..bUt pLanniN 2 gO bANgkOk iN fEb/mARch..hOpe tAt it wiLL cOme tRue..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
oNe of my fAv sOng cUrReNtLy..wOndeR whO's my mR riGht tAt wiLL dO sUch tHiNgs 2 mE..默默的等着我..sUcH a 痴情gUy..diFficULt tO fiNd nOwadAys.. 右手边refeRs 2 tO e fRoNt pAsSeNgeR sEat iN a cAr..iS uSuaLLy rEseRve tO thE dRiveR's dEaReSt peRsOn..wheRe's miNe?
那么美 不适合掉眼泪
有一天 当你看过世界
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
i hAf becOme aN iNsPectoR siNce i tEndeRed..hAd 4 iNspEctiOns tOdae..tiRiN..mY rOute -> teLok aYeR..bEacH rD...jOo chiAt rD...oFFicE...hOLLaNd gOmbAk (dRiviN)...hOme sWeEt hOme...
wAs oN my owN e whOLe dAy..sUDdeNLy hAd LOtsA thOuGhts"tOo mAni optiOn bUt oNLi oNe chOice"
eVeRydAy iN oUR LiFe iS abt dEcisiOn mAkiN..whEn itS dEcidEd, wE cAn oNLi stiCk tO iT..wHetheR iS riGht oR wROng..eVeN iF wrOng..mAny a tiMe iS tOo LatE tO chAnGe..yOu R OreDi hALf wAy deRe..iF chOose 2 tURn bAck..tiMe wiLL b wAsteD..LiKe yOu deciDe wAt tiMe 2 wAke uP iN e mOrniN..whEtheR yOu wAnNa nUah awhiLe.. iF yOu nUah..gOt LeSs tiMe pRepAriN 4 wOrk..dEN miGht b LaTe 4 wOrk..whEn u R LatE yOu cAnt tURn e cLocK bAck..bUt oNLi bLamiN uRseLf fOr nOt wAkiN uP eaRLieR..thiS LeAd mE 2 tiNk oF "fAiLiN tO pLaN is pLaNniN tO fAiL" iN LiFe..oNce yOu mAde a dEciSioN..yOu hAf 2 stiCk tO iT..sO iF yOu duN pLaN b4 yOu mAke aNi dEciSioN..yOu R pLaNniN tO fAiL uR atteMpts..N tiMe wOuLdnt tuRn bAck jUz 4 uS tO chAnGe ouR deCiSiOn..wE duN reALisE iT wheN wE R yOunGeR..cOz ouR pAreNts R mAkiN deCisiOns 4 uS..wE R aLwAys bLaMiN ouR eNvirOnmeNt iF e dEciSioN tUrNs oUt tO b uNfAvoUrabLe..wE R jUz nOt rEspOnsibLe foR ouR dEciSioNs..LiKe i chOoSe mY sEcOndARy, jC & uNi cOuRse..iT iS deteRmiNe bY my rEsULts..sO whEn i cAnt gEt mY fiRst chOice, i cAn bLaMe oN my resULts.. bUt did i bLaMe mYseLf fOr nOt stUdyiN hArd enOuGh?iS tiLL nOw tAt wE r giVeN LoSta fReedOm & iNdePenDeNce.. N tAkiN rEspOnsibiLity fOR ouR aCtiOn.. dEciSiOn mAkiN sEemS 2 b cRuciaL.. eSp iN e cOmmeRciAL wOrLd, a deCiSioN fRom e LehmAn BrOtheRs cOz sO mUch chAos iN e wHoLe wOrLd..a dEciSioN mAde bY a kEy peRsOn wiLL hAve a dOmiNo eFFecT oN e PpL aRd hiM..siNce dEciSioN mAkiN iS sO iMpt, it iS vitaL tAt wE pLaN b4 mAkiN aNy deCiSioN..aNd iN oRdeR tO pLaN eFFeCtiVeLy, tArget & gOaLs hAs 2 b cLeaRLy deFiNe..tiS LeAd tO anOtheR aReA..gOaL sEttiNg..mY fAv quOte.. "shOot fOR e mOoN, iF yOu miSsed, yOu'LL LaNd amOnG e staRs"
yOu shLd aiM hiGh whEn sEttiNg gOaLs..iT iS e fiRst steP tO ouR deCiSiOn mAkiN..gOaL settiN iS nOt uSeD jUz iN exAms bUt iN LiFe aS weLL.. LoLx
hMm..hAd enOugh oF mY thEoRy..meReLy LiNkiN eveRythiNg toG..e cOncLusiOn iS deCisiOn mAkiN iS pArt & pArcEL oF LiFe..nO mAtteR wAt wE chOoSe..pLaN fiRst.. aNd b4 wE pLaN..deFiNe uR gOaLs.. =)aNiwAe B msGeD mE yeSt..wAnteD to aSk mE oUt 4 diNneR bUt i wAs rUshiN mY rEpORts..aNd rEpLieD hiM LaTe..hMm..hOpe hE wOnt b e 'bEeZz' aRd..
Monday, October 6, 2008
sth tO pOndeR..wAs reAdin cL aNd cAme acrOss this aRticLe..
oNce a teAcheR pOsed tHe foLLowiN qUestiOn tO hiS cLass oF tEeNage stUdeNts, "whAt dO yOu thiNk iS tHe mOst pOweRfuL thiNg thAt PpL cAn pOsSeSs?"sOme oF thE cOmmOn aNsweRs iNcLude "gUn oR bOmb", "mOney", "stAtUs oR pOsitioN", etc. thEn a sUrpRisiNgLy diFfeReNt aNsweR cAme frOm a sAd LoOkiN gaL whO sAid, "wOrds". eveRyOne wAs tAkeN abAck aNd sOme eVeN giGgLed at whAt thEy thOuGht wAs a siLLy aNsweR.tHe teAcheR aSked, "wHy dO yOu sAy thiS?" heR repLy shOckeD eVeRyoNe, "wOrds cAn kiLL. mY eLdeR sisteR kiLLed hErSeLf bEcAuse oF whAt heR cLassmAtes sAiD tO heR. thEy cALLed heR fAt, uGLy, stUpiD aNd othER rEaLLi hUrtiN wOrds. shE gOt sO depReSseD tAt shE feLt shE cOuLdnt Live oN aNymOre...aNd..."tHis tRaGic stOry shOws e iMmeNse pOweR oF wOrds..hOw oFteN hAf wE fOuNd ouRseLves dEepLy hURt bY thOuGhtLeSs aNd iNseNsitiVe rEmArks oF ppL aRd us?hOweVeR wOrds cAn aLso cOmfOrt and iNspiRe.. ouR spiRits aRe LifteD whEn we hEaR wOrds LiKe "i'M wiF yOu nO mAtteR whAt", "i beLieVe iN yOu", "i LoVe yOu" etc.. iNdeeD kiNd aNd eNcOuRagiN wOrds cAn sAve cOuntLess LiVes..we shLd tiNk tWicE b4 wE sPeak..
Sunday, October 5, 2008
pLaNneD fOr my jAp tRip yeSt..hAd diNneR wiF Fd PpLz..hUge gRp..12 oF uS..hAd viEtnAmeSe FoOd..yUmMy~ mEt WD @ e rEstUrAnt..hE's wiF sOme fOReiGneRs..didNt hAd a chAnCe tO cAtcH uP wiF hiM aS i'M trApPed @ mY seAt..
pLanNin wAsNt tAt fUtiLe..oNLi gOt e skeLetON oUt..wAnteD 2 gO mt fUji...bUt tiNk miGht nOt hAf tiMe..:(
my jOb..
i've bEeN iN mY cuRreNt jOb fOr mOre thAn 2 yEaRs..tiReD oF e jOb..eSp e bOss..sUpeR pMs gUy..mOod swiNg wOrst dEn gALz..jOb scOpe wAsnt e sAme aNimOre..i'M nOt a sALeS peRsON!! wAnteD tO chAnge jOb siNce Last yEaR..hE coUnteR-oFfeRed mE..bUt i stiLL LoOkeD oUt fOR gOvt jOb oNce iN awhiLe..eSp aFteR bReAkuP..dUn wAnNa stAy deRe aNimOre..wEnt iNteRviEw at SLA, URA..bUt nO faVouRabLe reSpOnd..untiL HDB..veRi gD fORtuNe..
- thEy oFfeRed hiGheR thAn mY expEcteD pAy
- aLLow mE 2 stArt wOrk aFteR my jAp tRip (gOt tiMe tO siGn mY LoG bOok, aPpLy LeAve..)
- iS a gOvt jOb..wAt i wAnteD 2 tRy..=)
e bEst is...aFteR i teNdeRed..mY boSs wAnteD 2 aPpLy LicEnSe 4 mE..wiF nO stRiNg attAcheD..hAhA.. iNdEeD veRi gD FoRtUNe..
my LiFe..
bAckz 2 siNgle aGain..tiMe 2 cAtch uP wiF fRieNz..nOt tat i diNt cOntact thEm whEn attAcheD bUt gOt mOre tiMe fOr thEm (cOz hE dUn Like 2 jOiN thEm whEn tOg)..tiMe fOr sUpPeRs (hOpe i dUn get fAt), rOlleR bLadiN, kTv, wii-iNg, bOwLiN (tArGet:100 pts..LoLx), pOoL, mAjOng, rOck cLimbiN, teNniS, shOppiN, etc..wEekeNds R jUz tOo shOrt 2 eNjOy..
LoOkin iNto
- bAdmiNtOn ~ nEedA bOok cOurt..JeF hSe dUn hAf..
- sWimMin ~ hAbeN fiNd a Kaki..
- diViNg ~ mOnsOoN nOw =(
- yOgA ~ nxt LeveL?
- tOuRs ~ ReDaNg, thAiLaNd, kRabi, bALi.. n mOre 2 cOme..
oNe oF e rEasOn i dUn Like 2 b siNgLe is bEcOz oF e 'bEeZz'.. oNce thEy nOe tAt yOu r siNgLe, thEy wiLL b aRd yOu wAitiN fOR theiR chAnce.. i dUn Like 2 rEjeCt PpL..i dUn wAnNa hUrt PpL..caNt wE jUz b mUtuaL fRieNz.. n pLz..wOund nEeds tiMe tO hEaL uNLeSs u jUz wAnNa b sUbstitUe..eVen sO i dUn wAnNa hUrt yOu..wAt goEs aRd cOmeS aRd..kaRma..
i haF nOt aNnoUnce tO e whOLe wOrLd abt mY stAtUs.. bUt thEy R jUz aRd.. mAyb bcOz i've bEeN chAngiN my mSn NiC..bUt iT's nOt mEaN 4 thEm..jUz my thOuGhts aT e pt oF tiMe.. dUn trEat mE sO weLL..dUn pReteNd yOu nOe..yOu jUz LeAd mE tO tAke a steP aWay frOm yOu..jUz LeAve mE aLoNe n i'LL b fiNe wheN e sUn shiNes aGaiN.. iF i Like yOu, i wOuLdn't avOid yOu..cAn yOu LoOk at mY hiNts whEn u R dRoPpiN yOuRs..
staRted 2 LeaRn dRiviN..iNitiaLLy wAs to dRive hiS cAR..nOw hAF 2 bUy..bUt nO $$..fAmiLy cAr miGht b pOssibLe..bUt hAF 2 cOnviNce mY dAd fiRst..mY tP oN 5/12..a dAy aFteR jAp tRip..i wAn 2 pAss e fiRst tiMe..mY skiLL nOw stiLL nEeds LotsA pOLishiNg uP..
Saturday, October 4, 2008
FiRst pOst...wAntin 2 stArt mY oWn bLog a LoNg tiMe aGo.. jUz 2 keEp a recOrd oF my LiFe & 4 mySeLf wiLL nOt b knOwn tO seCret PaRadize..
eVeRyoNe hAs a sEcrEt tAt iS nOt tO b tOLd...heRe's miNe... mAny thiNgs HapPens iN my LiFe rEceNtLy..he Left me...fOr sOmeoNe eLse i tiNk...19/07/08 ~ hE jUz wan 2 eNd oUr reLatiOnship..he sAy he wAnna b siNgle.. mEt uP e nxT dAy... he's fiRm wiF his deciSioN.. chEck his fOne.. he sAy theRe wAsn't OtheR gALz.. bUt he wAs mSgiN a gAL 'M'..teLLin heR he jUz did his tAttOo.. he sAy waS coLLeagUe..i beLieve deN..aFteRtAt he fiNd aLL soRt oF excUses nOt 2 mEet me..Bz wiF wOrk in e 7th mth.. !#$%^ deN hiS cOmpAny tRip 2 macau..meetiN mE aLmost 1 mth lateR..ouR met uP waS like cAtchiN uP N pAsSiN mE my stUffs n giFts frOm MacAu..miNi mAjOng, aLmOnd cOokiE & eAriNgs..he diNt sAy aNithiN abt oUR reLatiOnship tiLL i asK..he sAy wiLL giF mE an aNsweR nxt wEek... but we diNt meet aFteR tAt...oUt oF e bLue..he mSn me...waNtiN 2 mEet...mixeD fEeLiN..izzite 2 retUrN mE $$$, tO pAtch bAck, 2 cAtch uP..oR sOme hiDden aGeNda.. iN e wAs meReLy cAtcHin uP..N bUyiN hiS hP...dUnNo y iN his sMs sAid tAt he nEeds my opiNiOn..iZzite iMpt? aNiwAe it wAs a niCe fOne..aFteR tAt he nEed 2 bRiN sth 2 hiS sis & i fOLLoweD hiM hM..iS sUper aWkwARd..bUt he dUn sEemS 2 miNd..
ReaLise hE BLOG!! he sAy tat he ReGretteD..reAlli?? den i sAw a cOmment iN hiS M..i read her bLog..thEy weRe tOg...or mAyb he's chAsiN heR..thEy weNt oUt eveRydAy fOr 1 whOLe e tiMe he sAy he's bZ..mEt heR e nite whEn he's bAck fRom macau..wAited 4 heR to seNd heR 2 sCh...dUnno wat else hAppeN tat wasNt bLog..hAiz..fEeL like a BIG FooL...bUt she sAys is a FuLLstOP bet thEm...tat's y hE mEt uP wiF me?
wE mEt up aGaiN abt a wEek lateR...aFteR Few pOstphOne..dUnno iF he's mEetiN otheR gALz..i pReteNd i dUnno aNithiN..mEt in OrchaRd..he waNted 2 pOstphOne aGaiN..i'm sOrt oF uSed 2 iT..ouR sMs...
Sorry,can we change our meeting to tomolo? i might wk late tonite? Did i disturb ur plan 2dae?
ohh..confirm working late arh..tml i dunno can leave earli not..
or we meet fri? Bt todae did i disturb ur plan by nt meeting u?
Or i let u noe tml..nvm lah i can plan other stuff..
U sure? choice mah..
By 530pm,u haf no plan,u msg me,k.
Actually me in town..if u free den we meet loh..else i might juz hang ard worries..=)
u alone at town?
i'm wif hx..but she meetin he bf later..
then i meet u ard 6.30pm at town?
ohh..okie..u let me noe when u reached..=)
FuNny rite..aso dUnnO y hE wAnNa nOe iF hE distUrb mY pLaNs..izZite iMpt? iN e eNd he reAcheD eaRLieR..peRhAps hE gOt otheR pLaNs bUt he hAs bEeN pOstphOniN oUr mtg..nOw i'm rEaLi tiRed oF gUessiN his thOuGhts..bUt had a gD tiMe..he accOmpaNy me 2 LoOk 4 wiNteR weAR..tRied aLot..Like e ZaRa oNe..bUt exx..uNLess i cAn fInd e kiDs oNe..weNt 2 eAt pAsta 4 diNneR n hAd ouR fAv AvocAdo..hiS tReat..dEn LoOk 4 his cRystAL..but cAnt fiNd..tiNk i reAched hM b4 10pM..wAnted 2 nuAh..but...iN e eNd wE diNt tOk aBt ouR reLatiOnshiP agaiN...i sms him iN e eNd..cOz i waNted a cOncLusiOn to oUR rELatiOnshiP..hE sAy giF hiM tiMe..wiLL tOk agaiN wheN i'm bAck fRom jAp..haiz wAt cAn i do?
aCtuaLLy i asO dUnno if i wAn back tiS reLatiOnshiP...yeS becOz he's a veRy caRiN gUy, i feeL vEri hAppie n cOmfoRtabLe whEn wiF hiM..nO becOz he FeLL fOr anOther gAL..which he dENined n i caNt sAy aNithiN..iF he cAn dO it oNce..hE cAn dO it aGaiN..sO iS he e oNe??