wEnt fOr mOi fiRst HaD tRaiNiNg..bAsiC LeAse aDmiN..mEt ziLoNg..hE at IPd..hE nOe miKe chEn..jUz rEaLisE tAt aLot oF my uNi mAtes aRe iN HdB..mEt aimEi oN mOn...shE frOm sALes dEpt..jErrY, gUaNg yOng, jiE mEi aLL iN HdB..bUt aLL at hQ...noE 1 gUy frOm cL..hE nOe huitiNg, choRsEng & aUdRey yE..qUite cLique wiF hiM mAyb ouR tabLe gALs aNti-sOciaL..n gOt cOmmoN fRieN..aUdRey is hiS jC fRieN..hiS aN ex-piLot tO bE..tAkiN AccA..N sO cOiNcidEntLy nOt oNLi hE mAnAgiN cLemeNti mOi eStAte..i aSo mAnAgiN bt meRAh (tELOk bLaNgAh) hiS eStAte..LoLx
nOe otheR gALs tOo..bUt oNLi reM kELLy..heArd frOm oNe oF thEm tAt jA20 iS sOme biGshOt sOn in HdB..hOw cOmE i dUnNo...LoLx..aNiwAe i muZ b mOre sOciaLabLe & fRieNdLy..mUz nOe mOre PpL..prOud oF mOiseLf tOdaE...=P
"You come to me and ask me which is more important.You or My life. I say my Life.You walk away not knowing that you are my life."
tiS pHrAse stRuck mE dEePLy..iN LiFe..wE aLwAys miSiNteRpRate ppL's wOrdS aNd w/O qUestiOniN wE aSsUme iT tO b e fAct..aM i aLwAys miSsiN sOmEoNe becOz oF tAt?!?
nEw yeaR..nEw bEgiNniN..2009 mUz b bEttA dEn 2008...- dO weLL iN mY jOb...LeaRn tO b hUmbLe yEt fRieNdLy...
- pUt iN mOre eFfOrt iN wAteVeR i'M dOinG...eSp gAkkAi
- fiNd mOi pRiNce chArMiNg...mUz uLtimAteLy b mY hUbBy...=)
- fiNd mOi diRectiOn iN Life...
- gO fOr mOre tOuR...rEdAnG..tAiwAn...
- LasiK??

hAd a nEw yeaR gAtheRing at LiyAn hSe..wiF giFt eXchaNge...gOt a pLanNeR...shAreD aBt eAch otHeR's beNefits iN 2008..i sHaRed aBt mOi jOb..aNd vOLunteeR tO coNtRibUte mOre iN fD fOr e jOb tAt i gOt..
hE msGed mE aGain..hE wAnteD tO mEet aGaiN..bUt sAw hiS bLog jUz nOw..tiNk hE's stiLL iNteResteD iN s..deN y mEet mE? jUz a fRieNd bA...
gRaCe wEdDiNg..