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i'M dOiN e mAsk ReMovAL..a piC wiF LiQiN uNdeRwAteR..SucceSSfULLy cOmpLeteD ouR 1st divE!~! ReStiNg oN e deCk wAitiNg foR ouR 2nD diVe aFteR the LuNch..wAitiNg 4 ouR 2Nd sEt of tEst uNdeRwAter..E oUt oF aiR, fLoAtiNg bUddhA..hAhA tiNk j & i aRe LoOkiN at a sOLeMniZatiOn uNdeRwAteR coNdUcteD bY mARk..=) oR pERhAps wE sAw a hUge shARk!~!mE!~!LotSa NeMo uNdeR wAteR & thEy R bEautiFuL..=PrOmaNtiC suNset..bUt nOt wiF mOi mR riGht...7 jUnE ~ gEttiNg rEadY fOR anOtheR 2 mOrNiNg diVes..e 1st diVe wAs qUitE sMooth..bUt e diVe eNds wheN eVeRyoNe staRtiNg tO fLoAt aRd iN e wAteR..hAhA 2Nd diVe wAe fUN toO..LotsA sChOoL oF fiShes sWiMmiNg wiF uS..sAw a rAtheR hUgE cUttLefiSH..bUT...sOoN aFteR mOi wEigHt bELt dRopPed..N i dUn gEt tO c e tURtLe..=(wiF LiQiN..gEttiN rEaDy fOR e diVe..e stUdeNts..cUttLeFisH...afteR 2 dives, wE bAcK tO tiOmAn fOR LuNcH..didNt wEnt fOR aFteRnOoN diVe aS iT iS tOo stORmy..gOttA cHaNge RoOM aS wELL..tOoK sOmE fOtO b4 LeAviN tO OuR nXt dORm..iNsteAd oF diViN, wE wENt mOuNtAiN tReKkiN..aNd sUbMeRge oURseLveS iN e sUpeR cOLd rOck fALL..iS sO cOLd tAt yOu dUn wAnnA mOve iN e wAteR..bUt stiLL gOttA foRce tO sMiLe.. wE aLsO wEnt tO piCk sOme sEasHeLLs iN e eVeNin..N tOoK sOMe fUnNy shOts.. e stAR jUMp..pRoUdLy pReSeNt...buDDhAs tO bE8 hANds bUddhA.. 8jUNe ~ wE hAd oUr fiNaL diVe aNd hAd ouR gRp fOto uNdeRwAteR..sUnbLoCkiNg b4 gOiNg iNtO e sUn..wE tOoK e mOst fOto uNdeRwAteR phOtOs aS tiS ouR LaSt diVe N oUR skiLLs R bEttA..it wAs a gD 45 miNs diVe =Pj & mE.. stiNgrAy fiGhteRmE fLoAtiN iN e wAteR..bUddy sHot...wiF j & pX& fiNaLLi ouR gRp fOtO uNdeRwAteR..