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sEcRetPaRaDiZ @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, September 19, 2009

bEeN wiF kEviN fOR 3 mtHs..hE rEaLLi chaNgED aLot..hE's tReAtiNg mE veRi wELL...aNd veRi sWeEt...eVeRytiMe hE wiLL giF iN tO mE...i'M LiKe sPoiLt bY hiM & hiS mOm.. =)

hE sPeNd aLot oN mOi bDae...e veRi fiRst giFt wAs a $120 bikini...hE rEaLLi 'se de' bUy fOr mE...i LiKe it sO mUch tAt hE wAnnA pAy fOR it....=) *thAnKs dARLiNg*
sUbseqUeNtLy hE aSo pAiD fOR mOi NiKe pURchAse aNd sAy itS mOi bdAe pReSeNt..N oN mOi bDaE itSeLf hE pLaN a sURpRaiSe diNNeR iN e cAbLe cAR..=P pLus tiS mELoDy...i LoVe it oNce i sAw it...hE wAnteD tO bUy...bUt tAt wAs thE 1St feW tiMe tAt wE mEt uP...dUn wAnNa cOmMit mysELf tO aNi rELatiOnsHip yEt...sO diNt sAy tAt i wAn it...whEn wE R tOg, rEaLLi hOpE tAt hE wiLL gEt iT fOR mOi bDae...hE reALLi wEnt tO bUy b4 mOi bDaE bUt iT wAs oUt oF stOck...hE pRoMiseD tO bUy foR mE aNd hE rEaLLi did...iN AuG...=P N itS wiF mE eVeRy nitE i sLp...
hE aLsO suRpRiasE mE wiF thiS LiMiteD eDitiON kiTTy. hE bOugHt it oN e sAme dAy bUt kEpt it tiLL aNotheR dAy dEN pAss it tO mE aS a sUprAiSE..=P dUn bARe tO diRty tiS kiTTy heNce itS stiLL iN e pLastiC bAg...wAnteD tO gEt tiS chEeky dORaemOn fOR hiM...bUt hE's cOmpLaiNiNg hiS bEd nO pLaCe foR mOi 'tOys' Le...iF pUt iN cAR gOt a tEDDy bEaR Le..sHLd i gEt iT fOR mOi oFFiCe?
tHiS aRe sOMe oF e iteMs i sAw fRoM e bLog shOp tAt i Like aLot...sOoOoo cUteEe...kitty & mELody..sAkURa kitty wiF sNacK... 15.5cm... $17.50 cAn pUt iN mOi cAR...
mELOdy...rEd riBBON LoOks niCe =) hEe... 36cm... $32
aNotheR kiTTy fOR mOi cAR...$9.50...7.5cm sHLd bE sAme aS mOi cAR mELOdy.... *gOt e bLue oNe =p*KiTTy cUshiON....cUte...$29.90...cAN pUt iN oFFiCe aSo... ^_^
KiTTy fONe...tO rEpLaCe mOi rM fONE...hEe...bUt iS eX...$55