2 LiOnS iN e oFfiCe..aNotheR yEaR wiF BMBO..tiS yeaR mUz b a diFFeRent yeAr..i mUz bE mOrE oUtspOkeN & cOnfiDeNt!!
e iMpRoMptU oFfiCe pHotO wiF e LiOnS.. =)
Friday, February 12, 2010
cNy iS rOuNd e cORneR..haVe a LuNch bUfFet tOday iN e oFFiCe.. LuNch wiF HBO..
I love my LiFe.
I love mySeLf.
I'm hAppy and nAuGhty; not eAsiLy tRace.
I pLay till dawn,
I shOp till dusk.
That's coz...
I'm a girl. And a BeAutiFuL one too. =)
TaReGaLz ♥
"chOose uR LoVe, LoVe uR chOicE".
i mAy aPpeaR 2 b wEak..bUt i'M tRaiNeD 2 b strOng.. I'm iMperRecT and I'm LoViN' It.
I'm the only wItNeSs and the only PeRsOn who can judge my LiFe.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.
LONgchAMp bAg Miu miU bAg mORe diVin tRiPs tO b wiF e oNe i LOVE wOrLd pEaCe
hUge fOreveR fRieNz bEaR