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sEcRetPaRaDiZ @blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

wE R offiCiaLLy tOg..=DD 3 Aug 2010

speNd e whOLe wEekeNd wiF hiM..reALLi eNjoyeD hiS accOmpAny..wEnt tO jB toG wiF hx, gh n lq..wEnt shOppiN wiF lq n hE joiNed uS afteR tAt..gAve hiM a suPRiSe cELebRatiOn..aLL tKs tO lq..=)

mEt hiM foR diNNeR n mOviE (iNcEptiOn) oN mOn..hE hOLd my hAnd..fOr a shORt peRiOd oF tiMe..=) hE seNd mE a veRi swEet mSg..n wE R mEetiNg oN hiS bdAe tOo..

hE fiNaLLi aSked mE e qNs oN hiS bdAe..siMpLe ceLebRatiOn..bUt reALLi eNjoYed hiS accOmpAny.. ^^