Thursday, September 16, 2010
it'S bEeN 1 pLus mth..hOnEymOoN..=) rEaLLi enjOyeD hiS accOmPaNy..wE weNt tO biNtAN (27~30 aUg) aNd speNdiN mOst oF oUR pReciOus wEekeNds tOg..weSt cOaSt paRk, maRiNa, eSpLandE, piNNacLe...aNd stAyed oveR at hiS hSe laSt sAt..=)
he met his ex-coll today..he wanted to meet me initially coz he 4got abt his ex-coll appt..once he rem he juz cancel our appt..we haf not met tis week..he didnt even arrange for another make matter worst he even tell me his meeting his clan on sat..not bring me along coz i'll b bored..sad..but didnt know how to tell him..wanted him to have e freedom to meet his friends but......he aso seems to b bz at work..dint realli repli my msg..not even a fone call from him tis week..hopefully i will feel better after meeting him tml..