PeNciL: I'm sOrrY
eRaSeR: fOR wAt? yOu didNt dO aNythiNg wRoNg
PeNciL: I'm sOrRy...cOz yOu gEt hURt bcOz oF mE. wheNeveR i mAde a miStaKe, u R aLwAys theRe tO eRaSe iT. bUt aS yOu mAke mY miStaKes vAniSh, yOu LOse a pARt oF uRseLf. yOu gEt sMaLLeR & sMaLLeR eAch tiMe.
eRaSeR: tAts tRue. bUt i dUn reALLy miNd. yOu sEE, i wAs mAde tO do tiS. i wAs mAde tO hELp yOu whEneVeR yOu dO sOmEthiNg wRoNg. eveN thOugH oNe dAy, i kNOw i'LL b gONe aNd yOu'LL rEpLaCe mE witH a nEw oNe, i'M actuALLy hApPy wiF mY jOb, stOp wOrRyiNg. i hAte sEeiNg yOu sAd. =)
i foUnd tiS cOnveRsAtiOn bEt e pEnciL & e eRaSeR veRi iNspiRatiOnaL. pAreNts R LiKe e eRaSeR wheReaS theiR chiLdReN R e peNciL. thEy R aLwAys deRe foR theiR chiLdReN, cLeaNiN uP theiR miStaKes. sOmEtiMeS aLoNg e wAy...thEy gEt hURt & bEcOmE sMaLLeR (oLdeR & eveNtUaLLy pAss oN). thOugh theiR chiLdReN wiLL eVeNtuALLy fiNd sOmEoNe nEw (spOuSe), bUt pAreNtS R stiLL hApPy wiF wAt thEy dO foR theiR chiLdReN aNd wiLL aLwAys hAte sEEiN theiR pReciOus oNeS woRRyiNg oR sAd.