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sEcRetPaRaDiZ @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, December 30, 2011

veRi hApPi wiF mY LiFe!!~ =DD

was iNtO bLOg shOpPiNg reCeNtLy... wAnNa kEep tRacK oF mY dReSseS..

fRoM divALaviA

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PeNciL: I'm sOrrY
eRaSeR: fOR wAt? yOu didNt dO aNythiNg wRoNg
PeNciL: I'm sOrRy...cOz yOu gEt hURt bcOz oF mE. wheNeveR i mAde a miStaKe, u R aLwAys theRe tO eRaSe iT. bUt aS yOu mAke mY miStaKes vAniSh, yOu LOse a pARt oF uRseLf. yOu gEt sMaLLeR & sMaLLeR eAch tiMe.
eRaSeR: tAts tRue. bUt i dUn reALLy miNd. yOu sEE, i wAs mAde tO do tiS. i wAs mAde tO hELp yOu whEneVeR yOu dO sOmEthiNg wRoNg. eveN thOugH oNe dAy, i kNOw i'LL b gONe aNd yOu'LL rEpLaCe mE witH a nEw oNe, i'M actuALLy hApPy wiF mY jOb, stOp wOrRyiNg. i hAte sEeiNg yOu sAd. =)

i foUnd tiS cOnveRsAtiOn bEt e pEnciL & e eRaSeR veRi iNspiRatiOnaL. pAreNts R LiKe e eRaSeR wheReaS theiR chiLdReN R e peNciL. thEy R aLwAys deRe foR theiR chiLdReN, cLeaNiN uP theiR miStaKes. sOmEtiMeS aLoNg e wAy...thEy gEt hURt & bEcOmE sMaLLeR (oLdeR & eveNtUaLLy pAss oN). thOugh theiR chiLdReN wiLL eVeNtuALLy fiNd sOmEoNe nEw (spOuSe), bUt pAreNtS R stiLL hApPy wiF wAt thEy dO foR theiR chiLdReN aNd wiLL aLwAys hAte sEEiN theiR pReciOus oNeS woRRyiNg oR sAd.
Thursday, September 16, 2010

it'S bEeN 1 pLus mth..hOnEymOoN..=) rEaLLi enjOyeD hiS accOmPaNy..wE weNt tO biNtAN (27~30 aUg) aNd speNdiN mOst oF oUR pReciOus wEekeNds tOg..weSt cOaSt paRk, maRiNa, eSpLandE, piNNacLe...aNd stAyed oveR at hiS hSe laSt sAt..=)he met his ex-coll today..he wanted to meet me initially coz he 4got abt his ex-coll appt..once he rem he juz cancel our appt..we haf not met tis week..he didnt even arrange for another one..to make matter worst he even tell me his meeting his clan on sat..not bring me along coz i'll b bored..sad..but didnt know how to tell him..wanted him to have e freedom to meet his friends but......he aso seems to b bz at work..dint realli repli my msg..not even a fone call from him tis week..hopefully i will feel better after meeting him tml..
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

wE R offiCiaLLy tOg..=DD 3 Aug 2010

speNd e whOLe wEekeNd wiF hiM..reALLi eNjoyeD hiS accOmpAny..wEnt tO jB toG wiF hx, gh n lq..wEnt shOppiN wiF lq n hE joiNed uS afteR tAt..gAve hiM a suPRiSe cELebRatiOn..aLL tKs tO lq..=)

mEt hiM foR diNNeR n mOviE (iNcEptiOn) oN mOn..hE hOLd my hAnd..fOr a shORt peRiOd oF tiMe..=) hE seNd mE a veRi swEet mSg..n wE R mEetiNg oN hiS bdAe tOo..

hE fiNaLLi aSked mE e qNs oN hiS bdAe..siMpLe ceLebRatiOn..bUt reALLi eNjoYed hiS accOmpAny.. ^^
Monday, July 5, 2010

fiNaLLi mEt j yeSt aFteR mY LUP dUty..mEt aT fAR eAst..wAnteD tO gEt a dRess fOr sUn bUt theRe's nO niCe piNk dReSs aRd..hE sAw e gRey aGneS b bAg aGaiN..

hAd ouR diNNeR @ wArUkU (heReeN)..hiS tReat..gOt a 'hUGe' boWL oF saLmOn cReaM udOn =)

wE weNt tO kbOx aFteR tAt..bOokeD a sEssiOn @ cLemeNti (10pM-1am)..hAd a gReAt tiMe..4gOt hOw tO siNg a fEw soNgs..sAng a fEw dUet..bUt i chOosE 1 wRoNg sOng..因为你..

睡梦里 梦见你
在我心里 问着自己
这一切都是因为你 因为你



而我自己 故做神秘

因为我 想和你在一起


oMg..wAs sUpeR aWkwARd whEn i'M siNgiNg..iT reALLi stAteS oUr sitUatiOn nOw..bUt i didNt meANt tO chOoSe tiS sOng..hOpefULLy hE dUn gEt e wrOng iDeA..

hE seNt mE hM aFteR tAt n hOMe sWeet hOMe..=)

reALiseD hE hAs bEeN tALkiN aBt miC..shE wiLL b gOiNg jAp fOr 1 mtH..iT wAs LikE sOoO LoNg siNce i LaSt spOke tO heR..waS bZ wif wOrk & yOg..aLmoSt 4gOt wheN shE's gOiN tO cHiNa/jAp..wiLL b mEetiN uP fOR ouR phUket pLaNniN nXt wEekeNd..i gUeSs..

wiLL b bZ tOo..Ly weDdiN..mUz gEt a piNk dReSs sOoN!~!
Sunday, June 27, 2010

mY nEW bAG!~!~!~!~ =DDmOi biRthdAy pReZziE..yAy!~! fiNaLLi gOt it... =)

gOsh wAnteD tO gEt/do aLot oF thiNgs reCeNtLy..aLL nEeds $$$
1. FitfLop sLippeR
2. LONgchAMp ~ LePliage MeDiUm BiLBeRRy
3. LONgchAMp ~ PLaNetes MeDiUm PiNk
4. KatE SpAde ~ kAte cOaL sMaLL cOaL (siLveR)
5. NeW LooK RiBBoN tANk tOp
6. chOmEL pEARL nAckLace
7. AgNes B / bUrbERRy bLue LaBeL bAg (fRoM jApaN)
Monday, June 14, 2010

stH iS hApPiNiNg..bUt a LittLe aWkwARd..mOi fAce iS rEd..hMmmZ...wOndeR iF e aNs iS wAt iT sUpPOsed tO mEaN..eVeRytHiNg wAs bAck tO nORmAL sOoN aFteR...

a LittLe stEp tOwARds sOmEwheRe..bUt dUnNo hOw e fUtURe wiLL b..i kNOw iS a sTep tAt i'LL nOt tURn bAck..i mUz LoOk fORwaRd..LoOkiN fORwaRd tO tUe & wEd..=)

shOpPiN wAs fUN..gOt 2 dReSseS & a tOp..hAs bEeN LoOkiN 4 a piNk dReSs 4 LY weDDiN..n fiNaL fOuNd 1 tAts cheAp..hAd LotSa miLk tEa yeSt..fAR eAst & KOi @ bUgiS..aLsO pLayeD iCe-cReAM & aNgRi biRd..fUN dAy!~! =)aS fOr mOi cRazY spReE..didNt mAnAge tO gEt aNithiN tiS tiMe rOuNd..=( hOpefULLy i cAn gEt stH foR mOi seLf tiS bDAe..
Monday, June 7, 2010

hAd a gAtheRiNg yEst tO diScuSs aBt oUR diViN tRip..L & mE wAs eARLi..hAd a chAt aT FoSteR..tOLd heR aBt k..shE aSkeD mE aBt J..n aLsO tOLd mE aBt J's iNteNtiOn b4 e diViN tRiP LaSt yeAR..gUeSs sHe hEaRd stH fROm M->E..

i wAs qUitE sUpRaiSed & hApPy..hOpEfULLy stH wiLL wOrk oUt tiS tiMe..hAs bEeN mEetiN uP wheNeVeR hE's fReE..

i mAnaGed tO sEt e iCe tYcOoN recORd iN J's fONe..stAge 40..297 aMoNg ipHoNe uSeR..lolx..N i stiLL cAnt cOmpLete e gAMe..lOw bAtt...
Sunday, May 9, 2010

gOiNg tO pHukEt wiF j iN eNd oCt..fOR diViN..yEaH!! =)

cURReNtLy cRaZy aBt bAgs..cOz C cAn gEt thEm @ 30% chEApeR..wAnnA gEt 1 fOR mOi biRthdAy..tiMe tO chANge mOi aGnEs B..aFteR 1.5 yeaRs..

dUnNo wAt tO gEt..sHoRt LiSteD bELOw...pRadA..cONs: NyLoN...bUt iS a niCe dEsiGn.. (oUt oF mOi LiSt..nOt aS niCe..)MiuMiu...cONs: wHiTe..dUnNo cAn LAsT fOR e nXt 2 yeARs... (stiLL peNdiN ^^)

hOpEfULLy i cAn mAke uP mY miNd bY nXt mtH..miumiu's bLaCk iS nOt aS niCe..e mAteRiAL LoOks veRi mAtURe..hOw hOw hOw?!?!?!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

fOR oNce i ShLd LiVe fOR mYseLf...rEaLLi sEeN thRu eveRythiNg..nOthiNg fOR mE tO b sAd oR tO LoOk bAck..

eNjOy j's cOmpaNy..wEnt jB tOg LAst hOLi..sOmethiNg fOR mE tO LoOk fORwARd tO..wAitiNg fOR stH tO hAppEN..

LiFe iS shORt..gOttA eNjOy it fULLy..hOpefULLy wiLL hAf a diViNg tRiP tiS yeAR..

deRe's aLsO aLot oF thiNgs i wAnNa gEt...tiMe tO sPeNd stH oN mYseLf..jUz bOugHt a LoNgchAMp bAg.. =)AiMiNg fOR..... (gOt it ^^)